“The mind is an interpretation of the world, it causes the brain to release chemistry that matches that interpretation to coordinate 50 trillion cells to live in that world. It’s your emotions, perceptions, beliefs—these are the sources of the chemicals that end up controlling the genes” -Dr. Bruce Lipton
If you’ve heard of Bruce Lipton, you’ve heard of this experiment…
One stem cell in a petri dish divides every 10hrs, resulting in many genetically identical cells. 3 genetically identical cells are placed into 3 separate petri dishes, each with different culture mediums, ie. different environments.
The result of the experiment is that even though the genes were exactly the same genetically and possessed exactly the same DNA, each petri dish produced a different type of cell because it is the environment that affects the growth of the cell, not the genes themselves.
So why does this matter? The physical body is not one entity—it is a community made up of trillions of cells. The blood is our culture medium, but who controls the blood? The brain! The brain is the chemist as it sends signals to the organs and glands that release chemicals and hormones to suit the situation. But who controls the brain? How does it know what chemicals and hormones to release to adjust to the situation?
The mind.
When you see someone you love, your mind perceives this and the brain sends word to the glands releasing a cocktail of lovely chemicals & hormones, such as dopamine, oxytocin, serotonin, endorphins, etc. When you are in a state of stress or fear, this perception is sent to the brain which in turn releases stress hormones, inflammatory agents, immune suppressors, and the likes to prep you for fight or flight. Think of it in a primal sense; the state of fight or flight is just how it sounds—your body is preparing to either run from a predator or fight a predator. In this situation, your cells prioritize where your energy is needed most and puts other processes, such as digestion, cellular regeneration, hormone production, etc. on hold until it is safe to do so. The thing is, fight or flight isn’t only registered when you’re facing a predator in this day and age. It’s your anxiety, your hatred for your boss, or the deep dread you feel when your mother-in-law is staying for the weekend. When you are in a state of stress your brain passes this message along to your organs and glands to prepare for the situation. It is your emotions that trigger the response of your body to stop doing what it’s supposed to be doing. Or on the flip side, positive feelings can incite positive reactions from our body too.
Perception and the way you handle situations plays a key role in the functioning of your organs and glands.
Cells in a petri dish of the chemicals & hormones of love multiply, grow, and thrive. Cells in a petri dish of the chemicals & hormones of fear stop growing all together.
Now when you combine Bruce Lipton’s gene/cell theory and combine it with Dr. Morse’s lymphatic theory, an undeniable parallel is formed. We know that the blood isn’t the only culture medium for our cells as they bathe in an interstitial liquid we know to be lymphatic fluid. When this interstitial lymphatic fluid (which means to surround, ie. the cells environment) is clogged in acidic waste and toxicity, cellular respiration takes a halt and cells then become damaged, resulting in symptoms of disease.
Taking care of the cellular environment is the key to cellular respiration and regaining your health. Through a happy mind we emanate positive chemicals and hormones throughout the venous system, while keeping the glands that produce them active and functional. Through a high fruit/raw food diet rich in alkalinity, astringency, and nutrient density, we not only feed our cells but we cleanse the interstitial lymphatic fluid at the same time, eliminating waste from the cellular environment. Together, we clean the environment of the cell so it can multiply and thrive, just like the cells in the petri dish.
Disease isn’t only caused by the foods you eat just as it isn’t only caused by the thoughts you keep; it’s a combination of both. Mind and body go hand in hand with health as homeostasis is the peaceful coordination of many variables.
A happy environment for happy cells 😊
“Detoxification naturally begins as you alkalize yourself through a raw food diet. This process strengthens cells by removing the obstructions and acids that cause inflammation and block nutrients to your cells. Detoxification allows cells to gain nutritional energy and to properly eliminate their wastes via cellular respiration”
-Dr. Robert Morse
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About Katie
Hi I’m Katie and welcome to my blog! I am a walking testimony to the healing power of natural foods and lifestyle. Going from wheelchair to walking, I have conquered debilitating chronic illness and I’m here to prove that you too can heal!
At only 26 I had a slew of health problems that hindered my freedom in life—the biggest being that my ankles would no longer support weight on them without excruciating pain. Logging over a year on crutches and 6 months completely bedridden, I have walked right on out of that hell through Regenerative Detoxification.
When no other doctor could diagnose me, Dr. Robert Morse’s teachings on regenerative detoxification explained everything—that all disease is cut from the same cloth of an acidic diet & lifestyle. Following his protocol & wisdom, I turned my health around and it is now my life mission to help others do the same!