My Healing Journey
Two years ago I did not have a leg to stand on, and I’m not just using that that’s as an expression. That was my life. At 25 years old, I was damned to a painful life on crutches that was escalating to life in a wheelchair. The doctors I’d see didn’t have any answers for me, but luckily I found one online who did. It wasn’t until a friend introduced me to the invalueable YouTube channel of Dr. Robert Morse, that my life was changed forever.
This is my story about how I overcame a long list of health issues; some debilitating and some I was made to believe were normal, things I would just have to live with for the rest of my life. I’m about to lay it all out in hopes that I can inspire others to wake up to what’s possible. It’s not pretty, it’s deeply personal and at times downright embarrassing to share, but I need my story to be told because I am literally walking proof that your health is in your hands. Dr. Morse saved me by teaching me how to save myself, and now that I’ve done that I have a profound need to help others do the same.
The health hurdles I’ve gone through in the last year and a half have changed me to the very core and I will always remember 2017 as the worst and most pivotal year of my life. I’m not writing this story so that the people in my life can understand what’s happened to me in the past couple of years. My story is bigger than just that and I’m taking this opportunity to use it as a platform to change people’s lives, as this lifestyle has changed mine in more ways than one. I’m writing this for all the people who have seen countless doctors and get prescriptions instead of answers. For those who have been given a “life sentence” by their doctors and disease. For the ones who question the
system, who are scouring the Internet for testimonials and proof of what Dr. Morse teaches. For all of you fed up with covering up the symptoms instead of addressing the cause of your illness.
Because not too long ago, that was me.
Dr. Robert Morse is truly a light to this world, someone who has selflessly devoted his life to saving others, often the ones who are told they are past the point of saving. His protocols have saved people from cancers, MS, fibromyalgia, diabetes, lyme, severe RA, etc, the list is actually endless as you can cure just about anything. He has spent hundreds of hours on YouTube educating us for free, and as a graduate of his International School of Detoxification and a participant of his practice, I feel obligated to share my story. Healthy people may read this and think, wow, did this girl really just tell the whole world about her…? (heads up, you’re gonna hear all about my colon). As personal as it gets, I know someone’s gonna read it and think “me too”. And when you’re sick or diseased or bedridden or whatever, and you read some gross shit about someone else that you’re experiencing too, then that “me too” statement holds a lot of weight. Throughout my illness, it was other peoples success stories that fueled my hope and I was constantly searching for them.
This is for all of you wellness warriors out there; I am not holding anything back.
From February to October 2017, I was unable to walk unassisted for more than a few steps and lived my life on crutches and in a lot of pain. In my right foot, I had chronic inflammation that was constantly agitated from my arches up through my calf. It would ache relentlessly. There was a sharp pain in my ankle when I put pressure on it, and if I did put any pressure on it, my ankle would throb for endless hours. What started out as only crutching far distances, quickly escalated to not being able to bare any weight at all. What was worse was the nerve pain; I would have burning pains in my calf and icy tingles throughout my foot constantly. My calf felt like it was on fire. My hip felt out of place and became so tender I couldn’t do up my pants or lay in any position that wasn’t perfectly straight. It felt like I was hanging open on one side of my body, like the muscle that wraps around my hips had just given up. The band that wraps around the arch of my foot and around my ankle was constantly sore and inflamed. Driving became unbearable as it would agitate my inflamed tendon more and set my nerves into a burning state. I had to leave my job and I basically spent my life in bed as moving about had a painful price to pay.
To explain how I got to the wheelchair, I have to touch on my health history because there wasn’t some big traumatic event that crippled me. I’ve come to learn that if you have serious health problems, you also have a list of less serious health problems, because it is all systematically connected. I will get to how that works at another time, but here I’m going to touch on the less serious, but serious, issues.
I’ve been suffering from acne for most of my life, there hasn’t been a time where I had clear skin past the seventh grade. Like everyone with acne, I’ve wasted thousands of dollars trying every product out there to no avail. Not only was I always sporting a breakout, I have the kind of skin where a dark red hyper pigmentation mark is left after EVERY single pimple and lasts for about a year. While constantly getting new acne and showing evidence of all my old acne, it’s safe to say my face has been a disaster for a long time. Luckily I’m a girl and have been able to hide my marked up face under makeup, as I would never leave the house without it. This has held me back from so many things in life I can’t even begin to explain here (I can and I will in another post). It started to get better when I was about 23 but reared its ugly head again in the beginning of 2017 when the stress of health and life hit me hard. What you see here is my skin before detox, with big painful zits on a smattering of bright red hyperpigmentation marks.
Like almost everyone on my dads side of the family, I figured out I have a heart arrhythmia. It didn’t happen all that often, but when it did I would feel nauseous and dizzy while my heart hammered to an irregular pattern. It would happen randomly but I also noticed a big increase with alcohol. So naturally, the frequency of my arrhythmia increased in college and would occur when I would go on regular drinking binges, aka years one and two. In my third year, I calmed down a lot and so did the recurrence of my arrhythmia, although it would still creep into those summer weekends at the cottage. I was never able to catch it on the monitor to have the type of arrhythmia confirmed, but seeing as multiple family members had surgeries for it, the doctors told me that’s what it was, it was fine, and not to worry about it. Sometimes it would last for hours and I’d wonder if I was gonna die or not, but sure, don’t worry about it, it’s only your heart…
Colon cancer is one of the top killers in North America, yet we find it improper to discuss the functions of our colons? Not here! I honestly don’t know why this topic is so tabooed in our society, it’s really just another body part we’re talking about. The health of your colon is extremely important and I wish I knew this sooner! Poor elimination is something I’ve had for my entire life, as a kid I remember my mom forcing me to eat dried apricots and take shots of prune juice to try to get things moving. Gross. The feeling of constant unease in my lower abdomen, the way my stomach would extend after days of poor elimination, the very small dark stools; I just figured this is how it is it’s no big deal. Eat a pizza and watch my stomach balloon out for days? Yeah that’s normal…I still can’t believe how shitty I used to feel all the time, how normal I thought it was for my stomach to feel heavy and bloated everyday. Looking back on it now I feel extremely stupid for not realizing the correlation between diet and proper elimination because when I went vegan I felt so much better. When I went raw vegan, the difference felt like night and day.
At the end of 2011 I developed an anal fissure, which is basically a tear in your asshole. The hole in my hole, as I called it, wouldn’t heal and was extremely painful. In 2012 I had surgery (sphincterotomy) to fix it. It did help, but not too long after the surgery did the problem persist. This has been an ongoing issue for years, sometimes it barely bothers me and sometimes it’s persistent as hell. Again, feeling really dumb for not correlating this to diet as it changed drastically when my diet did.
In 2016 I developed two raging hemorrhoids. Honestly, it’s surprising this didn’t happen sooner given my constipation and ass problems. They itched like a mofo.
SEVERE PMS (Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder)
Most chicks dread that awful week out of the month where they’re bleeding and cramping, but for me, it was the week leading up to it that was absolute hell. I was on birth control for twelve years (I cringed writing that) and in the last year of being on it my PMS got out of control. Like clockwork, when I got to that last row of pills my mood changed drastically. And it wasn’t your typical irritated I-need-chocolate kind of mood swings; it was more of a crawl into bed and stare at the wall kind of depression. At four pills left it was like there was a dark fog hanging over me that didn’t lift until I actually got my period, in which it was instant relief. While most girls dread the bleeding part I couldn’t wait for it to start so I could stop feeling dead inside. I’ll take the cramps over depression any day. Looking back at it now after having actually gone through depression, there is no doubt in my mind that I had PMDD because what I was going through monthly was by no means normal. This started happening late 2016.
This one ruined my sex life. Once again, I would see one row left on my pills and dread it, knowing that I can’t have sex until my period was over, 2-2.5 weeks later. Why? Because after/during sex I would experience a pain like no other. I would have this severe pain in my lower abdomen that would consume me for at least half an hour. It felt like someone was using my insides as a stress ball. It would leave me on the toilet where I felt like my organs were about to drop out. Then I’d be in the fetal position on the bathroom floor crying and praying for it to be over. One time, the last time, the pain was so bad I nearly passed out—sweating profusely, dizzy, ringing in my ears, fading in and out of consciousness—I could barely move. After that, I never deviated from my schedule again. In all the pain I’ve been through in life with my extensive list of health problems, broken bones, and an older brother with a vehemence for fighting, nothing has ever topped that moment. My period would end and during the first two weeks of my birth control pills, I was able to have sex again without pain. Safe to say only having sex two out of four weeks in a month put a strain on my sex life and relationship. I would also bleed during sex randomly at any given point in my cycle. I did have this all checked out –my gyno said that my cervix bleeds upon touch and that I most likely have endometriosis. I was to follow up for another test to confirm, but I didn’t go because at this point I had found Dr. Morse and had learned why this was happening. I stopped going to all doctors because I was more interested in treating the cause of the symptoms, rather than using a prescription pad as a Band-Aid.
A-typical cells found on my cervix! Shocking right!? This wasn’t the first pap test to tell me that either. I had it biopsied and luckily it wasn’t cancerous but a-typical cells are often referred to as “precancerous cells”. And they’ve been appearing since my first pap at 15.
I’ve had asthma all my life. It wasn’t so bad until the last couple of years where I’d need daily puffers. Being the naïve idiot that I was, I would hit that blue puffer (emergency inhaler) at least once a day instead of taking preventative puffers daily like I was supposed to. The blue one (ventolin) is a heftier steroid. Various things would set me off; exercise, cats, dusty places, perfumes, humidity, smoke, etc. to the point where I wouldn’t want to go places because of it. This greatly interfered with my life because I couldn’t be around places that burned candles, scents, perfume, or smoke. Just wrap me in a bubble. It got progressively worse starting in 2016, which I think I can accredit it to living in a gross basement apartment and the increase in my allergies. A day did not go by where I wasn’t struggling to breathe at some point and I was completely dependent on my puffers.
I’ve also had bad allergies all of my life. The typical outdoors stuff like grass, ragweed, mould, trees, etc used to affect me a lot growing up but improved later on. I’m the reason you’re not allowed to wear perfume to work. I hide your air freshener in the glove box. I run through the makeup isle in department stores so I don’t have to inhale. People used to roll joints for me because touching weed gives me hives. I’m that girl who gets an allergy test whose entire forearm blows up like I left it in a tank of mosquitoes. At one point I was even anaphylactic to eating certain fruits (luckily that only lasted a year). It’s not seasonal allergies either it was all year round. I stopped buying boxes of tissues in exchange for toilet paper rolls because it was cheaper to have one in every room like I needed. I was constantly blowing my nose and sneezing. My ex used to call me “The Mucous Queen”, and for good reason. I’ve gone to work with swollen eyes more times than I can count and have been sent home because of it. I hold a record of 32 sneezes in a row without a breath in between. Spending a few hours at a friends house with cats would make me blow my nose relentlessly, give me itchy watery eyes that would swell shut if I itched them like I so desperately wanted to, and as an added bonus, my allergies triggered my asthma too. When I’d go over to my cat loving friends houses, there’d be a roll of toilet paper ready for me because my allergies were relentless.
I started having pains in the arch of my right foot and I had to put store bought shoe inserts in all of my footwear. Started wearing slippers inside all the time.
April 2016
After a long weekend of stumbling around my friends’ cottage sans supportive footwear, I was in a lot of foot pain with every step I took. I went to the chiropodist (foot doctor) and he told me the pain is because I overpronate, which is when your ankle rolls inwards and puts pressure on tendon and muscle. He told me there was nothing that could be done other than to wear supportive running shoes with orthotics for every step of the rest of my life. Like every step…getting up to go to the bathroom? Better put your running shoes on. Otherwise it hurt and the pain would last hours. This was devastating news to me because other than for working out, I never wore running shoes. That means the end of wearing cute dresses, skirts, boots, heels, and sandals. Basically condemning me to dress like Sporty Spice for the rest of my life. I know there are worse things, but taking away my ability to wear what I want had a huge impact on me as I loved fashion and clothes. Whatever, life goes on. I got my $575 orthotics and they made a huge difference—I could walk without pain and continue my workouts and everyday life when I wore them with proper shoes. However, I could only put the orthotics in certain shoes with a supportive heel cup so shoe shopping was extremely difficult. I was stuck with mainly running shoes and with foot problems, everything is much more expensive.
Finding Dr. Morse
I found Dr. Morse in December 2016, a few months before the shit really hit the fan. I was immediately taken by his kind nature and his explanation of the lymphatic system, it all made so much sense. I quickly learned that everything I thought I knew about health and diet was wrong. At 25, I never had a dinner without meat. Seriously, unless it was a pb+j sandwich or grabbing a banana for breakfast, my plate always boasted animal products. They’re freakin’ delicious. I ate what you would call a “healthy” standard American diet (SAD): lots of meat, eggs, veggies, minimal processed food, whole grains, limited sugar, and only eating out and drinking on the weekends. I liked to cook and was very into health and fitness. I didn’t eat a ton of fruit because “it’s so high in sugar”, and between stuffing my face with protein and vegetables, I just didn’t have enough time in the day. Upon finding Morse and having my world flipped upside down, I decided to give it a go. For one week I ditched everything and only ate fruit, and what do you know, I felt amazing. My skin cleared, I was pooping a couple times a day, and I had a ton of energy. My stomach felt the best it ever had, it was truly like night and day for me. That unease in my gut was gone and I felt lighter and happier. I mean, the whole week I thought about the nacho’s I was gonna demolish when the week was up, but other then the food cravings, it was great. For the sake of my long list of health issues, I decided in the new-year I was going to change my diet.
Jan 17, 2017
Thanks to winter and some idiocy on my part, I spun out on the highway and crashed my car. My back really hurt and I stayed home from work the rest of the week because sitting in a chair was not a thing.
Jan 29, 2017
Less than two weeks later I got rear-ended hard on the highway and my back was really thrown out this time. I had to take a week off work that I spent recovering in bed. Physio place confirms a joint was out of place in my back and I got regular treatment. I mention these because I think it has a part to play in what happened next because your spine is your neurological highway.
Feb 2017
This was the first week of February and the first dog walk since the car accidents. I was wearing my new winter boots that were cuter than they were supportive. All of a sudden there was this intensely sharp pain in my right ankle that caused me to scream out. Ever since that moment I had this horrible ankle pain that would be sharp as hell while walking on it, and throb long after being off it. My nerves would shoot pain up my calf and leave me with a burning throb that would last hours. My leg and foot felt like they were on fire. As it was my right foot, driving was torture. Not only was there pain in my arch, ankle, and calf, but also my right hip became so sensitive I could barely wear my pants done up when I sat down. The pain only continued to get worse as the months wore on and I started becoming depressed.
In March, I started my detox with an all fruit diet and some of Dr. Morse’s herbal tinctures. I had this big trip planned (and partly booked) to travel Europe for two months in the summer and I was determined to have my foot sorted out by then. By the end of May, the pain in my hip/leg/foot progressed and I had to take a leave of absence from work as I could no longer drive to it. I had to stop my detox due to some personal issues as I needed to sort out my mental state before I could really commit to it…aka my relationship ended and I had to drink about it. A lot.
I began my detox in September, and as detox sometimes goes, things got intensely worse before they got better. Without getting technical, I’ll explain it to you as it was explained to me; your body is your house and if you’re suffering from disease or pain (inflammation), your house is on fire. Disease is merely acids trapped in the body, eating away at your tissues and glands until they don’t function properly and set off a chain of unpleasant reactions (disease symptoms). First you have to put out the fire. Then you have to strip away all the damage because you can’t start to rebuild your house on a burnt frame. The same thing happens with your body with detoxification, clear out the old so you can start with the new. Stirring up all those acids in order to move them out can cause some gnarly reactions, and getting worse before better is the norm. For me, cleaning out the old was not pretty.
September 2017
Working with the Dr. Morse clinic in Florida via Skype, I began my protocol of a 100% fruit diet with a custom herbal plan. My hip got worse and my ability to crutch around lessened to only getting up to go to the bathroom.
October 2017
For months I knew this was coming. I could feel it happening but I didn’t dare tell a soul as I was in denial about it. The throbbing ankle pain that kept me off of my right foot for so long had gotten to my left ankle as well. Luckily the nerve pain was still just in my right foot, but the agonizing throbbing ankle pain was now in both ankles and kept me off of them indefinitely. I had to swap my crutches for a wheelchair and was bedridden as getting around had become very hard and very painful. I couldn’t even stand to do something as simple as brush my teeth, or get off my bed. My wonderful dad found me this mechanics knee board, a board on wheels with two knee cushions. I used this to go back and forth to the bathroom and pretty much stayed on the top floor of my house for months. I lived in my bed and didn’t move for anything that wasn’t a bodily need. I felt like one of those dogs who lost their hind legs and have little wheelchairs attached to their back ends because essentially that’s what I was. I used my arms and this knee board to get around, which helped me live but caused me a lot of other pains in my body. Getting around this way would throw my hip out and would take days to recover. For the few friends and family I did let visit me, I could see the heartbreak in their eyes as they’d watch me struggle to move. At this point I was bedridden, in a lot of pain, very depressed, and my face got hit SO hard with acne. I even started getting it on my back and chest, where I normally would not have this problem.
*Horrifying pictures to come–still waiting for the “after”, but I’m almost there!
December 2017
Let me preface by saying that before my foot happened I worked out often and was 5’4, 125lbs of mostly muscle, with a low fat percentage. By the time December rolled around I was at my absolute worst. I weighed 89lbs and had serious muscular atrophy in my lower body. It was like my back connected to my legs, completely skipping my ass altogether. I’m not exaggerating, there are pictures. My legs were so skinny it terrified me to look at them. My calves were flaccid. I would sit in the sauna and slap at the skin that hung loose from my tibia and it reminded me of old lady arm fat, the limp way it moved because it’s devoid of muscle. My ankle pain in both legs was still very intense and my right foot nerve pain was as active as usual. Even something as simple as resting my feet on the ground in a chair sent aggravating nerve shocks up my leg. I couldn’t use my legs for anything, below the knee was completely useless. My hip was very sore and moving too much would set it off and take many days for it to settle again.
It truly hurt to exist.
Prior to my detox, I was losing a lot more hair than was considered normal. At this point, I began pulling out clumps of my hair and I lost nearly half of it. I had thin hair to begin with and not a lot of it, so this was drastic to my appearance. Without cutting my hair, it had dramatically shortened and completely thinned at the bottom. I would only ever wear it up. My lungs had never been worse—I had to cut out vaping weed for a while, which is pretty much a first in my life after age 14. I often struggled to sleep at night because I couldn’t breathe and I relied on my oil diffuser, many pillows, 3 Lung Tea, and Dr. Morse lung tinctures to get me through it. I spent many nights sleeping upright because I couldn’t breathe lying down. I had to change my laundry detergent because I could not tolerate a whiff of scent or it would set me off into a fight for breath. Swearing to never use a puffer again, this was extremely hard to deal with.
My face was at its worst—small whiteheads everywhere, and I mean well over a hundred on my face…don’t ask me how I know that… I’d get big giant cysts that would last around a month before they’d almost-flatten into a bright red dot on my face. They liked to hang out all over my cheeks while the little ones erupted all around my mouth and chin, making it hard to even open my mouth to eat or talk. What wasn’t covered in active explosions of acne was covered by hyper pigmentation from previous acne. You couldn’t find a centimeter of healthy skin. It was very painful—I could only sleep on my back, I couldn’t bite into apples and the likes as it involved opening my mouth too wide, it hurt to talk, and sometimes I’d have to ice my face. Even if I could have gone anywhere, I wouldn’t have.
Emotionally, I had been on a roller coaster. I was no longer in depression but it would come and go sometimes, which I assumed was normal for my situation. What was weird were the highs, I would have these moments of pure bliss where I was so happy and grateful to have found the answer to health, I knew it was coming even if it didn’t show it yet. It was a feeling I’d never felt before—pure gratitude and hope and love. It was my first awakening to spirituality and the connection of mind and body. I uncovered a suppressed memory of an assault that I had never given a second thought to after it happened. I remembered other events of that same weekend but what happened to me never came up again in my brain. That’s fucked up. Emotional detox is a thing I was not prepared for but it definitely happened. I experienced extreme highs and lows, usually right after each other, and I feel like I’ve really let a lot go. I’ve come to learn that the connection between health and mind is a very real and powerful thing.
Writing this now on the other side of all of that pain makes me ache for that poor crippled girl that I used to be. The mental anguish I felt during the first 5-6 months of detox was intense. I was so wrapped up in fear. I knew that this was the way to health; I had studied Dr. Morse religiously and had seen so much proof, yet I still held on to this fear that I would be the exception. Going into this I knew I would get worse before I got better, but I still held onto this fear that it would take years to cure me and I’d be stuck like this for the rest of my twenties. I didn’t have a diagnosis so it wasn’t like I could look up success stories for my disease, or even research what it is that I had. I knew this would work in the end but what I feared was time. How much more was I going to lose? I kept looking and feeling worse and my loved ones were all very scared for me, but I knew I had to keep going and that my turn-around was coming.
Eventually, it did.
February 2018
My nerve pain becomes less painful and I’m breathing better!
March 2018
The main takeaway from Dr. Morse’s teachings is to get your kidneys filtering, as they are one of the main outlets for lymphatic waste. On this protocol, some people start filtering in their first two weeks and some people take a year. It really depends on the state of your kidneys, adrenals glands, and GI tract. For me, it took six months to start getting regular filtration and I had to do a lot of dry fasting to get there. This brings me to March where the real magic started happening.
Literally two weeks after I started getting regular filtration, I had a major breakthrough in nearly all aspects. The biggest being the pain in my ankles had dramatically let up and I walked without assistance for the first time in a very long time. I felt like Bambi taking his first steps; my legs were all wobbly, my muscles were confused, and it felt so weird to take steps that didn’t result in pain. I wasn’t even wearing orthotics and my normally inflamed arch-around-ankle wasn’t bothering me at all. The normally sharp throb in my ankles was dulled immensely. To get my muscles used to walking again, I started slow and worked my way up.
My acne finally started to slow down. My face was still a horror show, but it became less horrific and the little white heads stopped popping up everywhere. My back and chest totally cleared up.
At this point I figured I should add in some vegetables to get in some amino acids for building me my new legs. I started having a salad for dinner but stuck to only fruits and vegetables (meaning no oil/vinegar/nuts/seeds or anything cooked). I did build me some muscle and I started to fill out again, but the ankle pain started to come back and my right foot arch tendon became inflamed again. I was back on my knee-board.
April 2018
My left ankle had completely healed and I was able to use my crutches again. Nerve pain is GONE.
May 2018
The pain in my ankles that kept me immobile for so long had finally left the building! Completely gone in both ankles! However, I was still using crutches as the arch tendon that wraps around my ankle and up my calf was still very inflamed. I also stepped on something hard and tore something on the bottom heel of my foot.
July through to mid-August 2018
I quit the salads and went back on 100% fruit. I started taking my herbs again.
Mid-August 2018
MAJOR IMPROVEMENT! The arch pain had become so much less that I DITCHED MY CRUTCHES! I had to wear special sandals/inserts to walk in at all times but they could be pretty much any flat shoe they’d fit into. I couldn’t go on long walks or do too much but I got my first real taste of freedom and spent my days happily up north. I was still getting acne but it wasn’t as bad and it came and went a lot quicker.
September 2018
I still couldn’t go for long walks or to a mall yet without my foot hurting, but it was a different kind of pain. The arch would get irritated if I did too much walking that day, but it seemed to reset when I’d get off of it. I was no longer paying for the movement I did a few days ago, or even yesterday. It’s as if I had a bad case of plantar fascistic; I could handle moderate day-to-day walking but no trips to Costco for me just yet. It felt similar to how it did in 2015 when I got my orthotics, but improved. If what Dr. Morse says is true about detox working backwards, then I must be close to done, right? Anyway, after over a year of fully depending on people to care for me, I could finally take care of myself on my own. I ran errands, grocery shopped, drove, biked, and started going out again. I slowly integrated myself back into society and returned to work in October.
October 2018 to May 2019
I still had a pain on the bottom of my heel when I’d walk barefoot on hard surfaces, a typical case of plantar fasciitis. This kind of pain wasn’t even in the same spot as before and I can accredit it to stepping very hard on a cord-end when I was learning to walk again. I could walk on carpet without shoes for a while but normally I’d wear slippers around my house with a basic $14 gel insert. I could wear any flat shoes I wanted (again, gel inserts). No more ankle, nerve, or tendon pain and I could go on long walks in the forest again. While my hip had greatly improved, it still gave me trouble and I believe it played a huge part in my foot problems as it is all connected. I couldn’t do any physically demanding exercises like running/jumping, but I’m good to go on long walks and short hikes again.
And Now…
On the top of Gros Morne Mountain!
In my bedridden days I planned the trip I was going to take when I was healthy again. The goal was to convert my Toyota RAV4 into a home, drive across Canada to Newfoundland, and climb a freakin mountain.
In August of 2019, I did just that.
Since about June 2019, I have been walking painlessly without shoes. I still like to wear shoes with a good soft cushioning and preferably some arch support, but I walk around barefoot at home all the time without a bother. There is no longer any limit to my walking although I still can’t do high impact activities like running or jumping, yet. Thanks to Dr. Morse and the healing power of fruit and herbs, I am out living my best life with much less restraints and I’ve truly never been happier!
When first watching Dr. Morse videos, I kind of bypassed the spiritual aspects he would talk about because I didn’t understand it and it seemed kind of hoo-ey to me. But as I detoxed, I began to see it in myself (and others on similar paths), that detoxing not only shed toxins from my body but from my mind as well. I’ve had a spiritual awakening. In my observation of myself and others, it’s impossible to walk through this health journey without this happening to you. I now feel a connection with nature and god like no other and I enjoy the little pleasures in life so much more.
Even now after walking painlessly for months, I am still often overwhelmed at how far I’ve come in my health journey. I can’t help but cry tears of gratitude every time I go for a forest walk–something I used to daydream about when I was crippled. I am so unbelievably proud of myself for sticking through the hard times because nothing has ever been so worth it. And I won’t stop until all my problems have healed and rainbows shine out of my ass! Even then, this high fruit, rawfood lifestyle is one I will be on for the rest of my life.
As for the rest of my ailments, lets take a look…
My acne has lessened greatly and is on its way out. I’ve seen pictures of other girls with the same kind of acne, (the kind that leaves a deep dark mark for years), and while it took them a long time to clear too, it eventually did with detox. I am on my way to that and have come really far in this aspect. I have/had a very congested head all my life, and I can literally feel it draining now. Ever since this feeling came on, I stopped losing hair and my acne became dramatically less. My hyperpigmentation heals in a fraction of the time it used to take. I no longer get cystic acne and my face is smooth in some spots, albeit still very marked up. For the first time in my life, I go out without makeup and only wear it on special occasions. Acne is ugly and I still have it, but now instead of hiding it I own it because I know a year from now I’ll be freakin’ glowing. That, and being attractive just doesn’t mean that much to me anymore.
I went to one of my good friends’ houses—the one with the cat. I slept overnight on her couch (where the cat frequently lays), I picked him up and played with him, and I stayed there for about 18h. I blew my nose once. My eyes didn’t bother me. I didn’t need my puffer or even my special lung tea. 2016 Katie would have been a wheezy, snivelling, and swollen mess if she stayed there for more than a few hours. Who knows, maybe I’ll turn into a cat person? As for the rest of my allergies, they’re non-existent and have been so pretty much since I started this. I never need to blow my nose and i rarely sneeze. My eyes haven’t swelled up since I went raw.
Breathing problems are the worst because there’s no getting away from it. You’re reminded that you can’t breathe every second, because it’s a constant fight. A fight I no longer participate in because I haven’t used my puffer since 2017. From someone who was dependant on using multiple inhalers multiple times a day, who had to avoid many situations because it would set off my lungs—this is a huge improvement in the quality of my life. I thank god everyday that I’ve healed my lungs to this point because it used to be such a burden. Although I can’t yet testify what running is like for my lungs, I’ve spent this last summer swimming, kayaking, and biking with no issues. 2016 Katie sure can’t say that. My lungs still hate most scented things, but they’re a lot less sensitive to it and I’m no longer forced into a fight or flight mode. They still give me an unpleasant feeling but I can tolerate them much more, whereas before it would set me into a struggle for breath. I can smoke weed again with less restraints, but I still mainly stick to my vaporizer. Speaking of weed, I can roll my own joints now without breaking out into hives.
My lady problems. It took a long time to get my period back but it reared its head when I went on a cooked food binge back in February of 2019. After that short stint, it took another few months before it started to come back regularly on a raw food diet. As for the sex, well, I finally had some after what felt like an eternity. Not only was it completely pain and blood free, but I’m now able to connect to a deeper part of myself and let’s just say it was quite intensified.
The constipation I’ve dealt with my entire life has been over the moment I went raw vegan in preparation for my detox. In fact, just going vegan made a world of difference. However, if I were to cheat with wheat my stomach would be ballooned for about three days, even though I’d still poop a lot. So now if I do decide to treat myself with cooked food, I remain gluten free and only eat roti in my dreams.
My anal fissure is what I like to call “in remission”. I cheat on my detox diet about once a month and it can rip me a new asshole depending on what I eat, but I jump back on the fruit and raw train and it’s all good again. I’ve zeroed it down to grains being the worst culprit so I avoid those now and haven’t had an issue since. No matter what, I will not touch gluten again.
I can’t pinpoint when my hemorrhoids went away, but they’ve been gone for a long time now.
Some Honorable Mentions:
- When I was 18 I had a really bad ingrown toenail that I had to get surgery on. Ever since then, if I put pressure on a certain spot on that toe it would really hurt. For about a week during my detox, that same spot was throbbing at the slightest touch (even a blanket resting on it!) Then I woke up one day and the pain was completely gone. Ever since then, the nail looked like it died and new healthy nail started growing below. It was gnarly having half a dead toenail for a while but it grew out healthy and pain free!
- My gums uesd to bleed every time I brushed them. I now power through with my electric toothbrush blood free!
- Had a tiny wart on my knee disappear.
- I can wear cheap earrings now whereas before, they would immediately irritate my ears.
- No more anxiety.
- I have so much more compassion for people, animals, and the Earth.
- For six years I had this line across my whole nail that would cause my nail to break in that spot once it reached a certain length. It’s gone now and my nails are very hard and smooth.
Above all, I CAN FREAKIN’ WALK! I got out of a wheelchair after being bedridden for months and I’ve logged over a year on crutches. I eliminated the debilitating pain that inhabited my ankles for so long. The nerve pain that plagued my right foot and leg is completely gone. I no longer need to wear ugly running shoes with a solid ankle/heel support. For the first time since 2015, the arch of my foot doesn’t cause me any pain. My hip feels almost normal again; no more feeling like the muscle has been splayed open on one side. I can sleep on any side and rest my laptop on my lap again. I’ve gained inches of muscle in my legs from fruits and minimal vegetables.
The Aftermath
I remember when I was younger I used to play a game of ‘would you rather’ with myself to test what I would give up in order to have clear skin. I laugh now as that was the height of my problems back then and I still would have gladly traded a year of my life for it. I made the ultimate trade. I gave up food, friends, my social life, my job, alcohol, and parties. I could have gone on living on my crutches or chair, get a job closer to home so I didn’t have to drive. I could have brandished my brave face and continued to pretend I wasn’t in such pain all the time. Continued to party in bars on the weekend as you don’t need to stand to drink. I could have succumbed to the pain medications and nerve drugs they offered me, as I’m sure I would have needed them as things continued to get worse. I would have ended up in a wheelchair for probably the rest of my life. I had the choice to settle for that and I’m so incredibly grateful to have found Dr. Morse before that set in as my reality.
This disease was the best thing to ever happen to me.
Learning about the lymphatic system and its relationship to proper kidney function really was a paradigm shift for me. It flipped my world upside down—health is really so simple when you go back to the way nature intended you to be. As hard as it was to push through the months where I only got worse, nothing will ever have been more worth it.
I’m in this for life. Although I am not a 100% raw vegan purist, I plan on eating a high fruit diet for the rest of my life and aim to stay around 80% raw. I go through periods where I undergo intense detox modes with fruit/mono fruit fasting, but most of the time it’s fruit until a big salad for dinner. Nuts and seeds have made a reappearance in my life in the last few months and I’m enjoying making raw gourmet foods, as well as some whole food ingredient cooked vegan food.
Dr. Morse saved my life. He taught me how to save myself, and I will spend the rest of my life informing others that they too can do the same.
Your health is in your hands; don’t let some doctor dictate your future and tell you what you can and can’t do. We put such blind faith in these people because they went to school for a long ass time, and we never questioned what they were being taught because it’s science, right? We ignore the obvious fact that the pharmaceutical industry is one of the highest grossing industries in the world, which plainly translates to the rich making money off of our illnesses. Our health system isn’t designed to cure you, it’s designed to rope you into being dependent on various medications to cover up your symptoms, while simultaneously giving you new ones without you realizing.
Your doctor isn’t a monster, but the system is.
You’re not made to process chemicals—you’re made to process nature. I realize to some my story sounds crazy because it goes against everything you’ve ever heard about food…where’s your protein, what about B12, aren’t you hungry? This is a different world now, where information is abundantly available and you have the option to question the norm. Will you follow in societies footsteps because “that’s what my parents and their parents and their parents (and so on) did”? Look around at where that’s gotten us, humanity has never been sicker!
True detoxification is no easy fix—it takes hard work, dedication, and patience, but it addresses the cause of your disease so you can get rid of it for good. Reading this from a Standard-American-Diet point of view, detoxing looks daunting and you may have doubts in your willpower, I know I sure did. The key to having the drive it takes to do something like this is really understanding how detox works and understand the truth about the human body. Once you understand the why’s & how’s, you’ll want to do it. I am currently working on designing detox programs and herbal protocols so that I can heed this passion into a career of helping people. I am the proof that health is a choice.
I mean, who would have thought that what we put in our bodies, affected our health?
What would you do to get better?
*Shout out to my all-star dad; my biggest fan, supporter, and best friend. You never doubted me and even though you didn’t understand the process exactly, your trust and support in my knowing made the world of difference. Thank you for lugging 20lb+ watermelons to my room all summer. The weekly Costco trips because you insisted I had to have the best giant red grapefruits all winter. All the grocery store trips, bags on bags of grapes, the special random fruits I’d never tried that you’d surprise me with. For doing anything and everything to make me smile, when a lot of the times, I couldn’t. I couldn’t have done it without you and you’ll never know how much I truly appreciate you.
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hi i really inspire from your story thats really motivate for me.
Thank you so much for reading it 🙂
Good to read such a detailed and written-from-the-heart account of your health and rhedetox process.
We need to spread the word around for the world to heal, liberate from the crutches of th system and bask in the true glory of nature.
I’ve been in a similar journey of health issues and now yo-yo-ing between a 100% raw/fruit diet and periods of indulging in cooked food. My commitments has been wavering and consequently the results. After reading your account I don’t think my kidneys are filtering well. And yes I do think I’d need a health coach to guide me and motivation going. Reading your story does provide me a lot of propulsion to get back on track 🙂
Thank you Prabh, I’m happy my experiences can be of help to you on your journey! Kidney filtration was very key in this process as it was the turn around point for my health, there are things you can do to improve this! A health coach is definitely very helpful in these situations, I plan to be one in the future. Best of luck to you on your health path, I’m happy to help if you have questions!
I am so happy for u 🙂
Well done for all your effort
How did u contact the clinic in Florida for sessions?
Thank you! I contacted the clinic through their website
Katie could u help me please I’m in bad condition I can barley walk my knees kill me !!!im in a very dark place in my life right now and it’s does not feel good
Hey Darlene! I’ve e-mailed you, I hope it worked!
Can you please give me the information of the dr please. Thanks you!
Dr Robert Morse. He has a clinic in Florida but also provides free info on YouTube, along with an amazing book!
I’d love to post part of your story on my MeWe group… With a link to here. Please let me know if this is okay.
Absolutely! Share away Amy!
Thanks for reading!
Your story is very powerful and inspiring. Kudos to your Dad who was an amazing support, this part of the story made my cry ❤️ I’m so happy you have healed and have learnt how to maintain your health going forward. I wish you all the best for the future. I know what I need to do for my own health by seeing so many similarities in your story and symptoms. Thank you for sharing and baring you intimate issues. You will be an amazing coach and I follow your story on Insta and really look forward to your posts. I hope you get to Costa Rica in fact I look forward to hearing about it as you will be there soon I know it! We bought a fruit farm in Spain’s Costa Tropical and relocated from the uk last year.. You will be welcome here anytime if you fancy a European adventure.. we have lots of different varieties, even having a go at planting jackfruit trees… 🤞🏼 and growing our own veggies too….life has a funny way of giving you what you need, not always what you want 🍉🍇🥑🍒🍓🍍🍌🍋🍊🥭🍎🥝🥥🍈
Aww Thank you so much Georgie that means a lot to me! I certainly do plan to travel all of Europe some day, and I’d love to connect on your tropical paradise!! Thanks for your support <3
Your recovery is amazing; and inspirational.
I need to connect with you for my daughter who is losing her hair